Earth's General Store is your friendly neighbourhood green grocer. We specialize in organic, local, bulk and environmentally friendly products. Our mission is to help our customers live more eco-friendly lifestyles by providing positive chemical free, environmentally friendly options.
Earth's General Store is owned by a non-profit corporation, the Ethical Community Organizations of Edmonton. For more information about ECOE, please click here: ECO Edmonton
Earth's General Store is excited to announce our new EGS yearly Membership program. Starting now, you can purchase EGS Membership for $100/year, and invest in our work towards a sustainable future, for us and for the planet.
Membership benefits:
EGS membership is non-refundable.
We are located on Whyte (82nd) Ave in Ritchie near the ravine. There are several bike and bus routes that lead to the store and a small parking lot shared with Maven & Grace.
We aim to make our store as accessible and welcoming as possible for our customers. There is a sidewalk ramp in front of the store and a sloped entrance to the east side of the parking lot. There is no automatic door. Certified companion animals are welcome inside. Please ensure your companion animal is wearing their vest or harness. Our staff are happy to assist. :)